1. Dekotora Art
This is not a product that is manufactured by any company, and if you want to purchase a Dekotora that has already been created, you will need to purchase it second hand. However, this art form was popularized in Japan, making it possible to buy it in that country, so it fits this list. The colorfully designed trucks look like they came out of a sci-fi movie. Very bright, work trucks boast features such as rich fabrics, lots of chrome and lights, and more.
2. Flat vertical scanner
A scanner is an office tool that has been used for many years, but nowadays a scanner is usually a huge machine that takes up most of your desk. The King Jim Desk Shot scanner looks completely different – small and cute. It is also able to do things other scanners can’t with the fluorescent pen that comes with the scanner to capture images of specific areas. Moreover, it also makes it easy to scan an entire document.
3. Underwater two-way radio
4. Laughter sensor
It is clear that in a country that is preoccupied with keeping clothes as clean as possible, this Japanese gadget has appeared, designed to solve very specific problems. We’ve all had that experience when you put on a shirt and spill something on it, resulting in a stain and the need to change. However, if you have a Thanko Handheld Clothes Washer and Stain Remover, you can use it to clean a small part of your clothes using hot water and ultrasonic waves.
This is potentially one of the best weight loss devices ever made, and if you’re serious about getting in better shape, this device can help you. The scanner is able to estimate the calorie content of food with an accuracy of 20%, which may be why it did not sell well in Japan. In any case, for people who don’t have time to read food labels and add up the calorie content of all ingredients, this device will give a much better understanding of the calorie content of what they eat.
Quite possibly the least useful item on our list, and you might be wondering why it’s here and in such a place of honor. Because the song speaker Cotodama is really cool. It allows people to enjoy music in a whole new way. The translucent speaker, which looks pretty even when turned off, displays lyrics on the screen while playing songs. In addition, he determines the mood of the song and adapts his animation style accordingly.
Another speaker who appears on our list also has a reason to be at the top of our rankings, because he is capable of more. First, it can play music via Bluetooth and, as the name suggests, it can function as a flashlight. However, it can also charge other devices via a USB connection, serve as a flash, and even be used as a water bottle. If you’re feeling nostalgic on a Friday night, no problem because this product can also be used as a colorful lava lamp.
This problem can be easily avoided by showering regularly and keeping your clothes clean so you don’t smell bad most of the time. However, if you’re staying at a hotel and your clothes smell bad and you don’t have time to get to the laundry, you would need one. It is said to emit “negatively charged nano particles into the air” and if the technology works as it should, any clothes you put on will smell good for a lot longer.